Count:1 Boolean:1 How It Works | EZ Drive Rentals
Tired of waiting in lines and filling out endless paperwork? Our revolutionary contactless car rental system puts you in the driver's seat (literally!).

How It Works

Find your perfect ride

Browse our selection. Once you've picked your wheels, head to the reservation page and reserve your dates.

Verify your identity (quick & easy)

Verify your identity online with our booking system.

Unlock your adventure!

We'll send you a special link that unlocks the car! No need to wait in line or fiddle with keys - it's all digital and super convenient.

Damage Check:

Before you zoom off, take a moment to quickly take pictures using our latest AI technology ensuring no surprises or hidden charges upon your return.

Enjoy your ride & easy return

When your adventure comes to an end, simply leave the keys inside the car while locking the doors using the link we send you. Take a few pictures of the vehicle's final condition. This helps us keep track of everything.