Tired of waiting in lines and filling out endless paperwork? Our revolutionary contactless car rental system puts you in the driver's seat (literally!).

Privacy Policy for EZ Drive Rentals

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to EZ Drive Car Rentals and our website at www.ezdriverentals.co.uk. At EZ Drive Car Rentals, we take the protection of your data very seriously, and in the below we explain what data we collect when you use our website and services and how it is used.

General Information

  • a) What law applies?
    Our use of your Personal Data is subject to both the UK`s Data Protection Act (the “DPA”) and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), and of course we process your Personal Data accordingly.

  • b) What is Personal Data?
    Personal Data is any information relating to personal or material circumstances that relates to an individual. This may include, a name, date of birth, e-mail address, postal address, or telephone number but also online identifiers such as IP addresses or device ID`s.

  • c) What is processing?
    "Processing" means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Data, whether or not by automatic means. The term is broad and covers virtually any handling of data.

  • d) Who is responsible for data processing?
    The responsible party within the meaning of the DPA and the GDPR is Lavanta Holdings Limited trading as EZ Drive Car Rentals of 6 Sutton Street London E1 0BB, UK (“EZ Drive Car Rentals”, “we”, “us”, or “our”).

    For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us using our Contact Form, call + 44 (0)203 105 4566 or email sales@ezdriverentals.co.uk.

  • e) What are the legal bases of processing?
    In accordance with the DPA and the GDPR, we have to have at least one of the following legal bases to process your Personal Data:

  • For the fulfilment of contractual obligations
    The purposes of the data processing are primarily based on the service we provide.

  • Within the framework of our legitimate interests
    Where necessary, we process your data beyond the actual performance of the contract in order to safeguard legitimate interests of us or third parties. Examples are:

  • Ensuring IT security and IT operations,

  • Measures for business management and further development of our services,

  • Defence against third-party claims and enforcement of own claims.

  • Based on your consent

  • Insofar as you have given us your consent to process personal data for certain purposes.

  • f) Is there an obligation for me to provide data?
    Within the scope of our business relationship, you are only required to provide personal data that is necessary for the establishment, implementation, and termination of a business relationship or that we are legally obliged to collect. Without this data, we will usually have to refuse to conclude the contract or will no longer be able to perform an existing contract and may have to terminate it.

Data we collect automatically

  • a) Log data
    Each time you visit our website, our system automatically records the following data from the visiting device and stores it in a so-called log file: i) Name of the retrieved file, ii) date and time of the visit, iii) amount of data transferred, iv) message about successful retrieval, type of browser and version used, v) IP address (identification of the user's device), vi) Operating system of the visiting device, vii) Internet service provider of the visiting device, viii) website from which you access our website, and ix) which of our website pages you are accessing. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest.

  • b) Hosting
    The hosting services used by us for the purpose of operating our website is 20i Ltd. In doing so 20i, processes inventory data, contact data, content data, usage data, meta data and communication data of customers, interested parties and visitors of our website and services, on the basis of our legitimate interests in an efficient and secure provision of the website and services in conjunction with the provision of contractual services and the conclusion of the contract for our services, including but not limited to our services).

  • c) Use of cookies
    We use so-called cookies on our website. Cookies are pieces of information that are transmitted from our web server or third-party web servers to your web browser and stored there for later retrieval. Cookies may be small files or other types of information storage. There are different types of cookies:

  • Essential Cookies. Essential cookies are cookies to provide a correct and user-friendly website; and

  • Non-essential Cookies. Non-essential Cookies are any cookies that do not fall within the definition of essential cookies, such as cookies used to analyse your behaviour on a website (“analytical” cookies) or cookies used to display advertisements to you (“advertising” cookies).

As set out in the UK`s Act on Electronic Communications Services 2014/917, (“ECS”), and the EU`s Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive (“PECD”), we need to obtain consent for the use of Non-essential Cookies and do so when you visit our website for the first time through our Cookie Consent Management Tool. For further information on the Cookies we use, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

  • d) Cookie consent
    Our website uses a cookie consent tool to obtain your consent to the storage of cookies and to document this consent. When you enter our website, the following Personal Data is transferred to us: a) Your consent(s) or revocation of your consent(s); b) Your IP address; c) Information about your browser; d) Information about your device; d) Time of your visit to our website. The basis for processing is our legitimate interest and your consent.

    Third-party services and content
    We use content or service offers of third-party providers on the basis of our legitimate interests in order to integrate their content and services ("services").

    This always requires that the third-party providers of this content are aware of the IP address of the user, as without the IP address they would not be able to send the content to their browser. The IP address is therefore necessary for the display of this content.

    The following provides an overview of third-party providers and their content, together with links to their privacy policies, which contain further information on the processing of data and so-called opt-out measures, if any,

  • Remarketing and Advertising; by Google Ads by Google LLC,

If you do not wish to participate in our advertising personalisation or retargeting/tracking you can object to behavioural advertising at the following websites: Your Online Choices,Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada, Network Advertising Initiative or AdChoices.

Data we collect directly

  • a) Contacting us
    You can contact us in various ways, and in addition to your name, e-mail address, IP address or telephone number, if provided, we usually collect the context of your message which may also include certain Personal Data. The Personal Data collected when contacting us is to handle your request and the legal basis is both your consent and contract.

  • b) Social media
    We are present on social media (currently, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram) on the basis of our legitimate interest. If you contact or connect with us via social media platforms, we and the relevant social media platform are jointly responsible for the processing of your data and enter into a so-called joint controller agreement. The legal basis is our legitimate interest, your consent or, in some cases, the initiation of a contractual service, if any

  • c) When you are working with us (Franchise)
    We process the Personal Information you provided in your use of our services in order to be able to provide our franchising services and to set up your franchise. This includes in particular our support, correspondence with you, invoicing, fulfilment of our contractual, accounting and tax obligations. Accordingly, the data is processed on the basis of fulfilling our contractual obligations and our legal obligations.

  • d) Data processing in the context of providing our services
    The protection of your Personal Data is particularly important to us in the performance of our services. We therefore only want to process as much Personal Data (for example, your name, address, e-mail address or telephone number) as is absolutely necessary. Nevertheless, we rely on the processing of certain Personal Data, to fulfil our contractual obligations to you or to carry out pre-contractual measures and in the context of administrative tasks as well as organisation of our business, and compliance with legal obligations, such as archiving

  • e) Business-related processing
    In addition, we process you Contract data (e.g., name, contact number, e-mail address, pickup and return location, date and time of your booking, dob, occupation, governmental identification, driver's licence details, additional driver details, if any, business information, if any, payment method info, insurance details (including details about special conditions imposed, motoring offences, accidents or claims, physical or mental condition, if any), The purpose of the processing is the provision of contractual services, billing, and our customer service. We process data that is necessary for the justification and fulfilment of contractual services.

  • f) Administration, financial accounting, office organisation, contact management
    We process data in the context of administrative tasks as well as organisation of our business, and compliance with legal obligations, such as archiving. In this regard, we process the same data that we process in the course of providing our contractual services. The processing bases are our legal obligations and our legitimate interest.

  • g) Newsletter
    If you have consented to receive our newsletter, we will use your email address and, if applicable, your name to send you information about us, our books and publications, promotions, and news. You can revoke your consent to receive the newsletter or to the creation of personalised user profiles at any time with effect for the future. You will find the unsubscribe link at the end of each newsletter. The revocation leads to the deletion of the collected user data.

  • h) Payment Data
    If you make a purchase your payment will be processed via our payment service provider. Payment data will solely be processed through our payment service provider and we have no access to any Payment Data you may submit. The legal basis for the provision of a payment system is the establishment and implementation of the contract.

General Principles

  • a) Who receives my data?
    Within EZ Drive Car Rentals and Lavanta Holdings Limited, those that need your data to fulfil our contractual and legal obligations will receive access to it.

    Processors used by us may also receive data for these purposes. These are companies in the categories of IT services, telecommunications, and sales and marketing. Where we use processors to provide our services, we take appropriate legal precautions and corresponding technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of personal data in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.

    Processors used by us may also receive data for these purposes. These are companies in the categories of IT services, telecommunications, and sales and marketing. Where we use processors to provide our services, we take appropriate legal precautions and corresponding technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of personal data in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.

  • b) How long will my data be stored?
    As far as necessary, we process and store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship, which also includes, for example, the initiation and execution of a contract.

    In addition, we are subject to various storage and documentation obligations, which result from the minimum statutory retention periods among others. The retention and documentation periods specified there are up to 8 years.

  • c) How do we secure your data?
    Our website uses SSL or TLS encryption to ensure the security of data processing and to protect the transmission of content or contact requests that you send to us. We have also implemented numerous security measures (“technical and organisational measures”) for example encryption or need to know access, to ensure the most complete protection of Personal Data processed through this website.

    Nevertheless, internet-based data transmissions can always have security gaps, so that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. And databases or data sets that include Personal Data may be breached inadvertently or through wrongful intrusion. Upon becoming aware of a data breach, we will notify all affected individuals whose Personal Data may have been compromised as expeditiously as possible after which the breach was discovered.

  • d) Is data transferred to a third country or to an international organisation?
    Your data is not transferred to third countries (countries outside the UK and the EEA).

  • e) Special Category Data
    Unless specifically required when using our services and explicit consent is obtained for that service, we do not process special category data.

  • f) Minors
    We do not request Personal Data from minors and children and do not knowingly collect such data or pass it on to third parties.

  • g) Automated decision-making
    Automated decision-making is the process of making a decision by automated means without any human involvement. Automated decision-making including profiling does not take place.

  • h) Do Not Sell
    We do not sell your Personal Data.

Your Rights and Privileges

  • a) Privacy rights
    Under the DPA and GDPR, you can exercise the following rights:

  • Right to information

  • Right to rectification

  • Right to object

  • Right to deletion

  • Right to data portability

  • Right to withdraw consent

  • Right to complain to a supervisory authority

  • Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

If you have any questions about the nature of the Personal Data we hold about you, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us.

  • b) Updating your information
    If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or that we are no longer entitled to use it and want to request its rectification, deletion, or object to its processing, please do so by contacting us.

  • c) Withdrawing your consent
    You can revoke consents you have given at any time by contacting us. The legality of the data processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

  • d) Access Request
    In the event that you wish to make a Data Subject Access Request, you may inform us in writing of the same. We will respond to requests regarding access and correction as soon as reasonably possible. Should we not be able to respond to your request within thirty (30) days, we will tell you why and when we will be able to respond to your request. If we are unable to provide you with any Personal Data or to make a correction requested by you, we will tell you why.

  • e) Complaint to a supervisory authority
    You have the right to complain about our processing of Personal Data to a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. The supervisory authority in the UK is: The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is located at Wycliffe House, Water Ln, Wilmslow SK9 5AF, UK www.ico.org.uk

  • Validity and questions
    This Privacy Policy was last updated on Monday, 29 May 2023 and is the current and valid version. However, we want to point out that from time to time due to actual or legal changes a revision to this policy may be necessary. For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us using our Contact Form, call + 44 (0)203 105 4566 or email sales@ezdriverentals.co.uk.